Your Health Care Benefits Connection for 2018

Keeping You Healthy

Keeping You Healthy

livingwell CARES

YNHHS’s onsite Care Coordination program is called livingwellCARES. This confidential, free program provides face-to-face coaching, navigation and support for employees and family members who are living with a chronic health condition and would like help managing this condition. You may qualify for a copay reduction for certain medications and supplies related to your condition while in the livingwellCARES program. Specially trained registered nurses partner with you and collaborate with your physician to support the individual plan of care he or she has developed for you. This may include screenings and tests, managing medications, assistance in scheduling appointments, along with supporting and motivating employees and family members to set and achieve their own personal wellness goals.

In addition: If you don’t have a chronic condition but want to improve a health/lifestyle habit or reduce a health risk factor, such as losing weight or getting more physical activity, specially trained health coaches are available to help you set goals, track your progress and make referrals to more expert help, if needed.

During 2018, employees and their covered spouses will be eligible for additional financial benefits through livingwellCARES for maternity and musculoskeletal care.