Your Health Care Benefits Connection for 2018

Medical Plan Benefit Comparison Charts

Medical Plan Benefit Comparison Charts


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  • Advantage Plus
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Women and Children

Well-woman visit: OB/GYN Preventive Exam 1

(one per calendar year)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Mammography and Bone Density Test

(Only screening mammography. Does not include breast ultrasounds.)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Screening Breast Ultrasound

(if there is dense breast tissue or a history)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
$20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
$20 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Maternity Care 2

(Only in-office pre-natal care. Inpatient Hospital and Doctor or Surgeon services also apply, see below.)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay for initial visit

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay for initial visit

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Well Baby/ Well Child Care 3
(includes immunizations)

  • seven exams from birth to age one year
  • seven exams from age one to five years
  • one exam every year from age 6 to 21 years

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Specialized Infant Formula

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Infertility Services Phases II and III treatment, plus medication

(up to maximum lifetime benefit of $8,000)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Office Visits and Physician Services

Primary Care Physician Office Visit 3

(other than for preventive care visits)

Tier 1: Preferred Primary Care Providers4

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Specialist Office Visit 3

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Routine Adult Exams 3

one exam every calendar year starting at age 22
(includes immunizations)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Doctor or Surgeon Services including maternity claims

(other than an office visit)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
90%, subject to the deductible

Anthem PPO Provider
90%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Allergy Shot Administration in Doctor’s Office

(no MD visit)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider

100%, subject to a $20 copay

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Nutrition Counseling

(includes diabetes self-management training)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Ancillary Services

Lab Services

(blood work and lab tests)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

X-Rays, including diagnostic mammograms

(facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

High Cost Diagnostic Imaging—PET/SPECT/MRI/MRA/CTA/CAT/

(facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $100 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Colorectal Cancer Screening 5

(includes fecal occult blood test, barium enema, flexible sigmoidoscopy and screening colonoscopy)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Chiropractic Visits

(maximum 50 visits per year, combined with PT, OT and Speech)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy

(maximum 50 visits per year, combined with Chiropractic)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $10 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Inpatient and Outpatient Care

Inpatient Hospital Services

(room and board, lab work, medical supplies and other hospital ancillary services)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $800 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Outpatient Surgery

(hospital or surgi-center facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $400 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Infusion and Radiation Therapy

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse

Inpatient Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Treatment

(facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $800 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Outpatient Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
NOTE: The Employee and Family Resources (EFR) program provides up to six (6) confidential counseling sessions at no cost .
See Employee Assistance and Work/Life Services

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Urgent and Emergency Care and Telehealth

Emergency Department

YNHHS Facility/Provider
$150 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Anthem PPO Provider
$150 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Out-of-Network Provider
$150 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Urgent Care Facility and Walk-In Medical Center
(not Primary Care visit)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
$30 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Anthem PPO Provider
$30 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Out-of-Network Provider


YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
100%, subject to the deductible


YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $15 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $15 copay

Out-of-Network Provider

Non-Acute Care

Skilled Nursing Facility 7
(up to 120 days per calendar year after a hospital stay)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
90%, no deductible

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Home Health Care

(up to 120 days per calendar year)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
90%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Hospice Care

(up to 60 days per calendar year)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
90%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible


Durable Medical Equipment

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
90%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Hearing Aids

(two hearing aids per 36 months)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible


YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Women and Children

Well-woman visit: OB/GYN Preventive Exam 2

(one per calendar year)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Mammography and Bone Density Test

(Only screening mammography. Does not include breast ultrasounds.)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Screening Breast Ultrasound

(if there is dense breast tissue or a history)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
$20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
$20 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Maternity Care

(Only in-office pre-natal care. Inpatient Hospital and Doctor or Surgeon services also apply, see below.)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $50 copay for
initial visit

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $50 copay for
initial visit

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Well Baby/ Well Child Care 1
(includes immunizations)

  • seven exams from birth to age one year
  • seven exams from age one to five years
  • one exam every year from age 6 to 21 years

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Specialized Infant Formula

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Infertility Services Phases II and III treatment, plus medication

(up to maximum lifetime benefit of $8,000)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Office Visits and Physician Services

Primary Care Physician Office Visit 4

(other than for preventive care visits)

Tier 1: Preferred Primary Care Providers4

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Specialist Office Visit 4

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $50 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $50 copay

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Routine Adult Exams 1

one exam every calendar year starting at age 22
(includes immunizations)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Doctor or Surgeon Services including maternity claims

(other than an office visit)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Allergy Shot Administration in Doctor’s Office

(no MD visit)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider

100%, subject to a $20 copay

Out-of-Network Provider

50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Nutrition Counseling

(includes diabetes self-management training)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Ancillary Services

Lab Services

(blood work and lab tests)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

X-Rays, including diagnostic mammograms

(facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

High Cost Diagnostic Imaging—PET/SPECT/MRI/MRA/CTA/CAT/

(facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $200 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Colorectal Cancer Screening 3

(includes fecal occult blood test, barium enema, flexible sigmoidoscopy and screening colonoscopy)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, no copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, no copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Chiropractic Visits

(maximum 50 visits per year, combined with PT, OT and Speech)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $30 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy

(maximum 50 visits per year, combined with Chiropractic)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Inpatient and Outpatient Care

Inpatient Hospital Services

(room and board, lab work, medical supplies and other hospital ancillary services)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $1,200 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Outpatient Surgery

(hospital or surgi-center facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $600 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Infusion and Radiation Therapy

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $50 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse

Inpatient Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Treatment

(facility charges)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $1,200 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Outpatient Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
NOTE: The Employee and Family Resources (EFR) program provides up to six (6) confidential counseling sessions at no cost .
See Employee Assistance and Work/Life Services

YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $40 copay

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Urgent and Emergency Care and Telehealth

Emergency Department

YNHHS Facility/Provider
$150 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Anthem PPO Provider
$150 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Out-of-Network Provider
$150 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Urgent Care Facility and Walk-In Medical Center
(not Primary Care visit)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
$40 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Anthem PPO Provider
$40 copay (copay waived if admitted)

Out-of-Network Provider


YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
80%, subject to the deductible


YNHHS Facility/Provider
100%, subject to a $20 copay

Anthem PPO Provider
100%, subject to a $20 copay

Out-of-Network Provider

Non-Acute Care

Skilled Nursing Facility 7
(up to 120 days per calendar year after a hospital stay)

YNHHS Facility/Provider
80%, no deductible

Anthem PPO Provider
70%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Home Health Care

(up to 120 days per calendar year)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Hospice Care

(up to 60 days per calendar year)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible


Durable Medical Equipment

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
80%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

Hearing Aids

(two hearing aids per 36 months)

YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible


YNHHS Facility/Provider

Anthem PPO Provider
50%, subject to the deductible

Out-of-Network Provider
50% of MAA subject to the deductible

1 All other OB/GYN office visits are covered at the Specialist office visit benefit level.

2 Well visits to the obstetric provider are billed with one global fee which includes: trimester visits, delivery and postpartum care. Any maternity related tests that are needed such as blood work, glucose tolerance tests, stress tests, ultrasounds or, if needed, amniocentesis are billed separately. Inpatient Hospital and Doctor or Surgeon services also apply.

3 Tests (e.g. certain lab work) that are associated with office visits may be subject to a copay or deductible and coinsurance if they are not mandated by the ACA. Check with your provider or call Anthem to determine if a specific test is covered at 100%.

4 List of Preferred Primary Care Providers available at

5 Diagnostic colonoscopies covered under the outpatient surgery benefit level.

6 Grimes Center, 1354 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT

Benefits for Mastectomy Services

The Yale New Haven Health Advantage Plus Plan and the Yale New Haven Health Advantage Plan provide benefits for mastectomy-related services including reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry between the breasts, prostheses, and complications resulting from a mastectomy (including lymphedema). In line with medical expenses, the Maximum Allowable Amount is the most the plan will consider paying for mastectomy services. Keep this notice for your records and call the plan administrator for more information.